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Bluebeard and
the Toothfairy

An original illustrated storybook for kids

Follow the adventures of Bluebeard and Kate

Bluebeard is an old seadog doing his best as a single Dad. Once a renowned seafaring buccaneer, Bluebeard has been moored in one place for a while now. Kate is his spirited six-year-old daughter. When some neighboring scallywag children bully Kate because of the poor state of the Banshee ship, Bluebeard brainstorms a way to make things better. Little did the Tooth Fairy know she was at the center of Bluebeards dastardly plot. Will Bluebeard make The Tooth Fairy walk the plank and send her to Davy Jones’ Locker? Read the book and find out!

About the author

Catherine Winarsky lives in Berkeley, California with her husband, Peter, and two scallywag sons, George and Sean. She grew up in the ancient lands of Ireland on the ragged Northwest coast, in spitting distance of the wild Atlantic Ocean. She always has been inspired by the endless crashing waves breaking on the shore. "Bluebeard and the Toothfairy" is her first illustrated book.

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